Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sorry it's been so long!

It is already December. My how the time goes by! A lot has happened since my last post. Just to update everyone, we are officially done with our home study and we are approved! Now we are working on our dossier. So many things to do! I am sure everyone adopting that is reading this blog can identify with that but it is so worth it. I have a friend in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship International) that just happens to be in my group this year (no coincidence by the way, only God's Sovereignty) that adopted from Russia 12 or 13 years ago and just happened to adopt 2 at the same time like us. We did not know each other until this year and now we have been placed together. I love it! She always has little nuggets of advice and this week was to only look at one piece at a time, no the whole picture. Our placing agency, World Links International, is good about not inundating us with more paperwork than necessary at one time. I think that is great. I knew we chose this agency for a reason. Their specialty is Eastern Europe so they know what is needed and when of course. Today I sent off several dossier documents and also sent of our application for USCIS. I also went to the bank to borrow money. A necessity now. We have found out that we will be registering in the Vladivostok, Primorsky regional data base in Russia. There is no good way to get there without costing 2 arms and 2 legs so I need to come up with some kind of fund raiser or something. I love to make wreaths and I love to bake. I'm not sure how to use those things or rather to promote those things to others. I went to pharmacy school for goodness sake you'd think I could be creative and come up with something! I suppose I could work more but that defeats the purpose of me being at home with the kids. I am praying about this and I know God will lead me in the right direction soon. We have also officially left our church to begin a church plant here in Cape Girardeau. It is us and 3 other families from the area and we will officially meet together for the first time this Sunday, Dec. 20th at our house. I am so excited! We are so looking forward to a sweet time of worship and fellowship afterward. I spoke with my friend today about being able to cook the main portion of the fellowship meal each week because I just love to cook. I am so amazed at how God has brought all of us together with our different talents and gifts to be able to serve Him by serving and blessing others with those gifts. So far I have been assured that I will not take anyone's joy away by wanting to cook! Our meals are about just being together not about being gluttonous and I am glad we are all in agreement with that. I don't think anything else is new and since things are picking up again with the adoption proceedings I will have more to write more frequently!

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About Me

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Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States
I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He treats me like a queen everyday. I know that his loving devotion comes from the knowledge, understanding and wisdom from God's Holy Bible. He knows his role as husband and it is to love me as Christ loves the church. Marraige seems to work just perfectly when each person in the family knows their godly roles. I respect my husband greatly and he makes all decisions in the home after much prayer, Bible reading and seeking godly council from other true believers. Decisions in our house are made very peacefully. How refreshing is God's Word!
