Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow Storm over New York

Wow, this is frustrating. Of all times for a snow storm to hit, just when we leave and have to land in that particular place! We feel like this time is just being totally fruitless because our children are at grandma's house and we are still here doing NOTHING! I am so thankful that I know God is a Sovereign God who holds all things in His hand. If I didn't know that right now I would be very angry. At this point I'm just a bit frustrated and I am wondering if we will even land tomorrow in New York. The snow and wind is supposed to continue through the night. Delta has rebooked our flights for tomorrow. We are going to miss our connecting flight to Vladivostok so that is having to be rearranged too. Because we are leaving a day late we are going to stay an extra day in Vladivostok which throws off all returning flights as well and it seems we are going to be paying extra for all of it. I could go on but I will not. We have an awesome travel agent named Anna in Chicago. She is working hard for us and I love her Russian accent. She gave me some good laughs today. We may never know why God allowed this to happen but He did and it is for His ultimate glory and for our own good. Maybe it is a test in patience and character. I sure hope I pass. I keep being drawn back to Proverbs 16:9 "A man's heart plans his ways but the Lord directs his steps." I also keep going back to James 4:13-15 "Come now, you who say 'Today, or tomorrow, we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there, engage in business, and make a profit'. Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.You are just a vapor that appears for just a little while and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we will live, and also do this or that'." That puts your life into perspective doesn't it? I am praying that our flights will leave on time and arrive on time tomorrow. I am praying in a different way now though. If it be God's will may it then happen. I pray that I would exhibit the fruit of the Spirit during this entire process. God willing Nathan and Benjamin, we will be there as soon as we can! We love you so much already!

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About Me

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Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States
I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He treats me like a queen everyday. I know that his loving devotion comes from the knowledge, understanding and wisdom from God's Holy Bible. He knows his role as husband and it is to love me as Christ loves the church. Marraige seems to work just perfectly when each person in the family knows their godly roles. I respect my husband greatly and he makes all decisions in the home after much prayer, Bible reading and seeking godly council from other true believers. Decisions in our house are made very peacefully. How refreshing is God's Word!
