Saturday, March 6, 2010

Last day in Russia

Today is our last day in Russia for the next 4 months. We arrived in Moscow yesterday afternoon (Saturday, March 6th) and spent the night at the Park Inn right next to the airport. It is a nice hotel and we got a complimentary breakfast this morning which was very tasty. The food is very good here and very fresh. This morning I had broiled tomatoes with cheese, a bread pudding with peach compote, small sausages which were more like mini hotdogs but were better than any American hotdog I have ever had. I also had some fruit and the most awesome coffee EVER!!!! Chad, you would love it! It tasted like the coffee I make at home with my machine that Dan got me for Christmas so now I know that my machine really does make coffee like it is supposed to. MMMMMMMMMM…………………….. Dan is getting ready right now and I am just catching up on some writing. We are leaving the hotel at 9:00 AM and our flight leaves today at 12:00 PM. We will be arriving in New York at 3:00 PM. Did somebody say this is going to be the longest day I have ever had in my life? Literally? Our flight is about 11 hours long so to leave only 3 hours before your arrival time at destination is, well, very thought provoking. We should be arriving in St. Louis around 9:30 PM Sunday. I am ready. I miss Diet Pepsi and my salsa. Don’t get me started again. Yesterday’s flight from Vladivostok was good. The plane was really nice and each seat had it’s own tv screen. I watched a couple of movies which helped to pass the time. There were several babies on the plane and they were a bit restless but what do you expect on a 9 hour flight? Dan and I were both pondering in our mind what it will be like to travel such a long distance with two 3&1/2 year old boys in a few months. I am not too worried about Ben but Nate? I am not so sure. We may have to bring the Dramamine. The only problem with giving children medicine like that is sometimes it has the opposite reaction that it is supposed to have. Wow, I don’t even want to think about that!! It will be fine. Most people are very kind I have noticed. It has been a great trip. I am looking forward to coming back. I just wish it wasn’t so far! If we could just go the opposite direction instead of going through Moscow It would take half the time. However, there are things that have to be done here in Moscow at the embassy that can only be done by coming this way. Maybe next time we will be able to sight see a bit here in Moscow. At least it will be summer time and hopefully no snow storms will block our paths the next time. I am looking forward to seeing Vladivostok in summer. Winter we were told was the most ugly season and I would have to agree. I have never seen snow on the side of the road that was 4 feet deep and totally black. Very dirty. Summer, have been told, is very nice. You know it is harsh when the Sea of Japan’s coast is frozen solid. Well, I am going to sign off. I am looking forward to those precious boys being apart of us. They already are of course but until they are in our house it will be very hard. We love you Nate and Ben. Kisses and hugs and mommy and daddy will be back for you very soon. Sweet dreams until then.

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About Me

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Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States
I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He treats me like a queen everyday. I know that his loving devotion comes from the knowledge, understanding and wisdom from God's Holy Bible. He knows his role as husband and it is to love me as Christ loves the church. Marraige seems to work just perfectly when each person in the family knows their godly roles. I respect my husband greatly and he makes all decisions in the home after much prayer, Bible reading and seeking godly council from other true believers. Decisions in our house are made very peacefully. How refreshing is God's Word!
