Sunday, August 23, 2009

God Provides All Things

I just have to say that God is absolutely amazing! Why am I always so surprised when He does what His Word promises? Well, maybe not surprised but none the less awestruck and humbled. I need to give you a little background here. When we first knew that we were supposed to do this our next question was "where are we going to get the money?" We knew that it was a good time to refinance our house for a better interest rate and to lower our payments a little. We also knew that since we have lived here for 6 years and done some work to the house that we would have a little home equity to boot. In a better economy maybe. We found out that we did not have home equity which we determined was a serious blow to our theory of adoption funds. Dan and I prayed about it of course. Dan asked me to just let God have it. He said something that I had never really thought about before and that was we have never really ever had to trust God blindly that He would provide. We always have a plan. We like security. We have never really trusted God to come through with financial things before especially something this expensive. So, we gave it to God and said "we are trusting that You will provide. You promise in your word that when you call Your people to a task You provide what they need to accomplish it. We are trusting You for everything." It was hard and it is hard. Our inborn nature screams just the opposite. It says, "Have a backup plan just in case. You need security!" Really, what is more secure, worldly goods or God's promise of care and protection? Anyway, we did get the loan to make our payments lower but no extra on the side. We were beginning to write some hefty checks to our agencies and we were just trusting. We found out that our homestudy was going to cost $1,500 in addition to application fees, finger printing fees, certified birth certificates, marriage licenses, etc. We were expecting those fees of course but we were hoping to know for sure where the money was going to come from. Well, when the bank called and told us our loan had been approved for X amount of dollars she asked me if we had paid September payment yet. I told her no and she said, "Good, your first payment is due on October 1st so you will have no September payment." I realized at that point that our house payment was right about $1,500. Yes, you guessed it, the homestudy was covered. Oh but wait, it gets better! About a week later the bank calls again to go over the details of our loan. She proceeds to tell me that after the closing we would get back right about $2,000 dollars. Dan proceeded to go out to the mailbox and the contract for our placing agency was in the mail. We needed to send in another $1,200 with the signed contract. It was covered, along with everything we had spent up until that very moment. God had provided every single penny except $6.10 and I probably miscalculated in there somewhere. WOW is all I can say!! How much more is He going to show us? I can't wait to find out! Another awesome thing was when my mom went to pick up our marriage licenses the lady did not charge us because she found out that we needed them for adoption! What an amazing God we serve. He is indescribable. I could write for hours telling you every little thing that has transpired. All of these things have allowed us to see that we really are doing God's will. It has strengthened our faith and I know that things may get very hard but we know that it will be for God's Glory. I am brought to my knees when I think about the intimacy God shows someone as insignificant as me. He is omnicent, omnipotent, omnipresent but yet He cares so deeply about the smallest of details for someone so unworthy. It pleases Him to give me what I need to follow His will. I give Him all the glory, honor and praise that my mouth can speak. FOREVER!

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About Me

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Cape Girardeau, Missouri, United States
I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He treats me like a queen everyday. I know that his loving devotion comes from the knowledge, understanding and wisdom from God's Holy Bible. He knows his role as husband and it is to love me as Christ loves the church. Marraige seems to work just perfectly when each person in the family knows their godly roles. I respect my husband greatly and he makes all decisions in the home after much prayer, Bible reading and seeking godly council from other true believers. Decisions in our house are made very peacefully. How refreshing is God's Word!
